If making more sales this financial year is your number one goal, I challenge you to reconsider.
Instead, set yourself the goal of making more profits, because it’s the amount of income that makes it into your pocket that determines the quality of your life.
Try this exercise and see how it makes you feel.
Below these words you will find an income calculator. Punch in last financial year’s GCI. Wait a nano second and you’ll find out how much of that gross income would have been available to you IF you were running your sales through One Agency.
Significant difference, isn’t it!
“It’s not what you make, it’s what you keep that counts.”
Paul Davies Founder CEO One Agency
Now take a look at what it currently costs you to run your existing business, or if you’re currently making plans to open your own business, what are the anticipated expenses on your list?
I promise you, there will be numerous things on that list that can be eliminated – or trimmed if you choose to make the switch to One Agency.
Things like:
- The cost to lease a high-profile office.
- Franchise fees
- The cost of utilities for that office.
- Brand design and implementation.
- Necessary subscriptions, memberships and prop-tech apps.
So whether you’re an agent or a principal, re-frame your goal to one that focuses on PROFIT rather than volume. That way, no matter what crazy, unexpected things happen during the next financial year, your personal income will be juicier.
Paul Davies is the founder and CEO of One Agency, which has more than 150 businesses throughout Australasia. During his 50-plus years in the industry, Paul’s biggest single insight is: it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep that counts.
If you love what you do but want to make a change – either to keep more of what you earn, shift to a more lifestyle focused operation and reduce running costs; I invite you to contact me at One Agency and discuss confidentially how our model, (less than $1000 + GST per month regardless of your GCI) may be just the answer to breathe new life into your career and future proof yourself.
“It’s not what you make, it’s what you keep that counts.”
‒ Paul Davies, Founder and CEO
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Essential reading for existing and aspiring real estate business owners.
Revised edition: Written by our Founder and CEO Paul Davies with a foreword by leading real estate coach and trainer Tom Panos, ‘How To Profit In Real Estate Business Ownership’ is compulsive reading for established and aspiring agents looking for a way to achieve success and maximise fee retention.

About Paul Davies
As founder and CEO of the fastest growing real estate network across Australasia, I offer real estate professionals an opportunity to reap the financial rewards of going it alone with the security and clout of an established brand. Talk to me and my team about your options.
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